The late night binge culprits

The late night binge culprits

Irregular sleep cycle causes hormonal imbalance in the body and disrupts metabolism. The analysis by Cleveland Clinic has explained how staying up till  late night affects hormones and causes craving for food even after full meals. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to process the glucose released from the food.

Consumption of food high in unhealthy fats, sugar and processed foods causes insulin levels to rise; and drop even after a healthy meal. Leptin hormone and petide YY hormones provides a feeling of fullness after a meal. Increased sugar and fat consumption affect the functioning of these hormones. This leads to a feeling of emptiness even after eating. Ghrelin indicates hunger and regulates appetite. Irregular sleep causes excess secretion of ghrelin and causes a feeling of hunger.

High stress level causes secretion of cortisol hormone which worsens metabolism and affects the functioning of other hormones. It is advised to take regular and balanced meals, avoid sugary foods and drinks, do regular exercise and have sufficient sleep in the night.

Diabetes Health Magazine