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Answers to the Feb-Mar’23 Quiz

1.Exercise can help control -

d: All of these (blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol) - Exercising

increases insulin sensitivity enabling the cells to better use any available insulin to take up glucose during and after activity. Also, regular physical activity makes your heart stronger. A stronger heart can pump more blood with less effort. If your heart can work less to pump, the force on your arteries decreases, lowering your blood pressure.

2. Salads must exclude dairy products.

a: False - It is not necessary for salads to exclude dairy products like milk and cheese. But dairy products should be avoided if you wish to follow a vegan diet or have an allergy.

3. To prevent diabetic nephropathy (kidney disease in diabetic patients) we need to have -

d: All of these (adequate blood glucose control, adequate blood pressure control and regular urine and blood test) - Diabetic nephropathy is a kidney disease seen in patients with Diabetes. Diabetes is the most common cause of end-stage renal disease worldwide. Proteinuria - loss if protein in urine is the hallmark of diabetic nephropathy. To prevent this condition good control of blood sugar, cholesterol levels and blood pressure is required. Moreover, the microalbuminuria test is recommended yearly for patients with Diabetes to detect diabetic nephropathy.

4. Sweet potato has higher fibre content than regular potato.

a: True - Sweet potato contains 4 g of fibre whereas regular potato contains 3 g. Sweet potatoes are considered a superfood for people with Diabetes, says the American Diabetes Association. They have been shown to stabilise blood sugar levels by lowering insulin resistance. They also contain a high amount of fibre, which helps in reducing levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol in the body. Please check with your doctor first if you can consume sweet potatoes.

5. Low blood sugar level in a patient is termed as -

b: Hypoglycaemia - Also known as low blood sugar occurs when blood sugar levels are below the normal range. In people with Diabetes, a blood sugar level of 70 mg/dL or below indicates hypoglycaemia.

Symptoms may vary but often include hunger, sweating, shakiness, weakness, clumsiness, trouble talking and confusion. The most common cause of hypoglycaemia is medications used to treat Diabetes such as insulin, sulfonylureas, and biguanides. Risk is greater in individuals with Diabetes who have eaten less than usual, exercised more than usual or consumed alcohol.

6. Cycling is most beneficial for people with -

d: All of these (Arthritis, knee injuries and ankle injuries) - Cycling is most beneficial if you have arthritis, knee injuries and ankle injuries since pedal power is low impact and takes the weight of the body. Owing to the low impact it has on the joints it is commonly used in foot and knee rehabilitation programs.

7. Uncontrolled Diabetes can raise the risk of suffering from depression, anxiety and other mental disorders.

a: True - Studies have shown that subjects with Diabetes have mental health issues like depression and anxiety more as compared to subjects without Diabetes. It could be related to hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia blood glucose fluctuations and also could be related to increased levels of stress hormones in Diabetes.

8. A person should be fasting before doing the HbA1c test.

b: False - The HbA1c test can be carried out anytime during the day and does not require fasting. The advantages associated with this test make it the preferred method of assessing how well your blood glucose levels are being controlled if you have Diabetes. In addition, the HbA1c test gives your average blood glucose levels over the previous two or three months. The target is to maintain your HbA1c below 6.5 per cent.

9. Which of the following vitamin deficiency is linked with Type 2 Diabetes?

: Vitamin D - Adequate intake of vitamin D may prevent or delay the onset of Diabetes and reduce complications for those who have already been diagnosed. Evidence suggests that vitamin D plays an integral role in insulin sensitivity and secretion.

10. Which of the following is not a symptom of low blood glucose?

c: Increased frequency of urine - Low blood glucose (hypoglycaemia) occurs when the blood glucose levels are below normal. The common symptoms include sweating, hunger and tremors. Increased frequency of urine is one of the symptoms of high blood glucose (hyperglycaemia), where the body removes excess sugar from the body through urine.

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