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Answers to APR-MAY’24

1. When is the best time for people with Diabetes to buy shoes?

c: In the evening - Diabetes affects

sensation and people with Diabetes may have decreased sensation in their feet. They may not sense any trauma or injury in their feet due to the wrong size of the footwear. Tighter shoes restrict  the blood flow to the feet and can cause wounds and blisters on the plantar of the feet. Buying shoes in the evening can help people with Diabetes to find the right size of the shoe as feet tend to be swollen in the evening.

2.  Toenails should be cut to follow the curve of the toe.

b: False - Toenails should be cut straight across. Trimming the toenails to the curve of the toes can lead to ingrown nails and can injure the toe.

Toenails should be cut close to the skin of the toe but not too deep to cause injury to the toe. It is recommended for people with Diabetes to regularly clip their toenails to prevent any infection or wound due to improper toe nails.

3. You should eat more of_____________ in Diabetes.

d: Fibre - Fibre is a complex carbohydrate and is found in whole wheat foods, fruits and vegetables. Fibre, unlike other carbohydrates, does not increase blood sugar levels. Fibre digests gradually thus delaying hunger. A diet rich in fibre makes a person feel full and reduces frequent eating. This also helps in managing portion control in the diet.

4.   Apart from sugar, which of these are recommended limited use in people with Diabetes?

b: Salt: People with Diabetes are at a greater risk  of developing hypertension. Excess consumption of salt can cause high blood pressure. WHO (World Health Organisation) recommends that daily consumption of salt should not be more than 5 gm. It is advised to avoid consuming pickles, canned and processed food, and junk food as these contain a high amount of salt.

5.   All fats are the same.

b: False - Fats are of three types - unsaturated fats, saturated fats and trans fats. Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and are healthy for the heart.

Unsaturated fats are found in nuts, vegetables, avocados, corn, soya bean, sunflower, safflower, tuna fish, salmon and seeds. Saturated fats are unhealthy and increase LDL or bad cholesterol levels.

High cholesterol levels increase the risk of heart disease. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature.

These are found in red meat, butter, eggs, pal and coconut oil, dairy products such as milk, cheese and ice cream. Trans fats are processed fats and are found in junk food, fries, pizza, deserts, baked products, mayonnaise and margarine.

6.   When should you start checking your cholesterol levels?

a: 20 years - Although cholesterol levels may increase with age, one can be diagnosed with high cholesterol levels at any age. High cholesterol levels and heart disease are also found in children due to genetic factors.

7.   Having diagnosed with Diabetes means simply cutting down on sugar intake.

b: False - People with Diabetes are recommended diet and exercise along with medication to manage their blood glucose levels.

8.   People with Diabetes and advanced heart disease require:

b: Moderately good glucose control - In people with advanced heart disease, aggressive glucose control has been shown to be detrimental. It causes hypoglycaemia which is not good for the heart. In order to minimise the risk of hypoglycaemia, it is suggested that only moderately good control, that is, an HbA1c level of 7 is ideal for people with Diabetes and advanced heart disease.

9.   Uncontrolled Diabetes can lead to sexual dysfunction.

a: True - Sexual dysfunction is more common in people with Diabetes because poorly controlled Diabetes can damage the blood vessels and nervous system causing reduced blood flow and loss of sensation in sexual organs. This can contribute to vaginal dryness in women and erection difficulties in men. Other problems associated with Diabetes - such as heart disease and depression - together with some medications and surgery (e.g. bladder, bowel, prostate)

can increase the chances of sexual dysfunction in people with uncontrolled  Diabetes.

10.   How many servings of vegetables should a person with Diabetes consume in a day?

c: At least six servings - Vegetables are a good choice for healthy living more so for people with Diabetes. They contain high levels of fibre which not only help feel full but also help control the blood sugar levels and prevent heart disease. They are also low in calories and can help people with Diabetes to manage their body weight.


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